In this category, you will find courses to instruct in the proper security and safety measures that should be adopted for our overseas employees.

In Matthew 24 Jesus teaches that challenging and dangerous times will precede his return even to the point that, if he did not cut short those days, no one would survive (Matt 24:22). Whether the Lord's return is imminent or far off, the fact is that we are living in dangerous times. Hardly a month passes without notification of an expulsion, kidnapping, or targeted killing involving individuals like you.

In this course you will learn principles and practices to help you reduce security risks and thrive in ministry. You will learn how to build habits to help you avoid security incidents as well as what you should and shouldn't do in the midst of an incident. Applying these simple principles could be the difference between life and death.

If you are not a member of our organization, please contact our Global Security Advisor for permission to enroll in this course.  If you are a member of our company you may self-enroll at your convenience.